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أشياء يجب العلم بها فى السيارات الكهربائيه
عدد من الانظمه المساعدة كالراديو والاضاءه وانظمه اخرى كالpower steering وال power brakes والتى تحتاج لمواتير صغيرة اضافية لها تاثير بسيط على مدى السيارة,وانظمة اخرى كالتكييف والتدفئة لها تاثير ملحوظ على مدى السيارة وفقا لدرجة الحرارة المطلوبة. كذلك بطارية ال12v فى سيارات البنزين يتم اعادة شحنها بواسطة دينامو السيارة بينما فى السيارات الكهربائية (لا تحتوى على دينامو) يتم شحنها بواسطة البطاريات الرئيسية عن طريق DC-DC CONVERTER
Things to know about electric cars
A number of auxiliary systems such as radio, lighting, and other systems such as power steering and power brakes, which need additional small motors, have a small effect on the car’s range, and other systems such as air conditioning and heating have a noticeable effect on the car’s range according to the required temperature. Also, the 12v battery in gasoline cars is recharged by the car dynamo, while in electric cars (which do not contain a dynamo) it is charged by the main batteries via DC-DC CONVERTER
A number of auxiliary systems such as radio, lighting, and other systems such as power steering and power brakes, which need additional small motors, have a small effect on the car’s range, and other systems such as air conditioning and heating have a noticeable effect on the car’s range according to the required temperature. Also, the 12v battery in gasoline cars is recharged by the car dynamo, while in electric cars (which do not contain a dynamo) it is charged by the main batteries via DC-DC CONVERTER