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إتزان السيارة الكهربائية اثناء السير:
كثيرا ما يعتقد مستخدمي السيارات التقليديه ان السيارة الكهربائية غير متزنة
وذلك لقله مكوناتها عن نظيرتها التقليدية ولكن هذا اعتقاد خاطيء تماما وذلك لأن السيارة الكهربائية في مصر تتميز بدرجه عالية من الثبات والإتزان علي الطريق بسبب زيادة الوزن الناتج عن وجود البطارية وتوزيعها بانتظام أسفل جسم السياره كما انها مزوده باطارات بمواصفات خاصه تتميز بالمتانة والقوة وقطرها الكبير الذي يساعد علي تثبيت السياره ارضا اثناء التسارع القوي الذي يبلغ 100 كم في 3 ثوان وأثناء سيرها بسرعات عاليه محققا الأمان والإستقرار للسياره ومستخدمها .. كل هذه المميزات وأكثر أدت الي انتشار السيارات الكهربائية بشكل قوي وسريع طبقاً للمؤشرات والإحصاءات العالمية. وسعى الحكومات نحو الإحلال محل السيارات التقليديه بصوره كامله قريبا .
Electric vehicle balance while driving:
Traditional car users often think that the electric car in egypt is unbalanced
This is because its components are less than its traditional counterpart, but this is a completely false belief, because the electric car is characterized by a high degree of stability and poise on the road due to the increased weight resulting from the presence of the battery and its regular distribution under the car body. It is also equipped with tires with special specifications characterized by durability, strength and large diameter, which helps to install The car fell to the ground during a strong acceleration of 100 km in 3 seconds and while traveling at high speeds, achieving safety and stability for the car and its user.. All these features and more led to the spread of electric cars in a strong and fast way, according to global indicators and statistics. Governments are seeking to completely replace traditional cars soon.
Traditional car users often think that the electric car in egypt is unbalanced
This is because its components are less than its traditional counterpart, but this is a completely false belief, because the electric car is characterized by a high degree of stability and poise on the road due to the increased weight resulting from the presence of the battery and its regular distribution under the car body. It is also equipped with tires with special specifications characterized by durability, strength and large diameter, which helps to install The car fell to the ground during a strong acceleration of 100 km in 3 seconds and while traveling at high speeds, achieving safety and stability for the car and its user.. All these features and more led to the spread of electric cars in a strong and fast way, according to global indicators and statistics. Governments are seeking to completely replace traditional cars soon.